Little Lambs….

lad_2littlelambsThis card is for my cousin, who is going to have beautiful twin babies – a boy and a girl – in the near future. I thought I’d send her a cheer up card, because it isn’t fun to be in the end stages of pregnancy (swollen everything, totally tired – who’s with me?) and because the whole family is having a rough time right now, which I’m sure adds stress for her. If you happen to read this, cousin who shall remain unnamed, I love you, and we all know how worth this will have been soon!!

I used the newly released In the Nursery set from Lizzie Anne Designs. On the lamb’s heads, I put liquid applique, for some poof! And I tilted them both on purpose, just for fun 🙂 Have a wonderful Thursday, everyone!

Oh, and of course I forgot to announce the blog candy winner! Random.toddler picked #3, which said this

Elizabeth, on March 12th, 2009 at 9:11 am Said: Edit Comment

What a great giveaway! I will send a birthday card to your Mom this week! Congratulations on your blogaversary! Enjoy reading your blog regularly!

Congrats Elizabeth! send me your snail mail addy to my email, which is I’ll get it sent out by Monday!


Butterflies and Flowers

pinkbutterflyI’m sorry I’m posting so late again – we’ve had a bit of drama with the car wreck I was in, and the other person’s car insurane. *sigh* Why do people have to be rude? What is gained from that?

Anyway – on to more fun things! I *love* this big butterfly by Inkadinkado!!!!  All of the stamps are from the Garden Delight clear acrylic set. How stunning is it? And I love the craft white ink on the black paper – always a stunner in my book! I colored the butterfly with a Copic (RV14) after stamping him in Tuxedo Black by Memento.

Where did I get this fab sketch, you ask?….

Darling, isn’t it? And even better: Now, all you have to do is make a card based on this sketch, leave us a comment here on this post with a link to your card by Friday the 13th at 3pm EST and then check back Saturday morning to see if you won the random drawing!!  Sound good, well get busy!!! LOL!!!  OK, before you get busy, Lindsey has put ALL the Inkadinkado stamps on sale for today (Tuesday) through tomorrow (Wednesday) at 12pm EST.  Some stamps are on sale below cost so it REALLY will be worth it for you to stop on by the store now!!! LOL!!! We have a special treat for you today!  We have a sketch, a contest and a prize!  Sound like fun?

I can’t wait to head over to the JBelle Blog to see what everyone comes up with!!!!

ROAR, Little Dinosaur!

dscf45451This week over at Jacksonbelle we are celebrating all things Prima — paper, stamps, flowers — all of it! I just love this chubby little acrylic dinosaur set. So fin!I started my card by matching up colors – Baja Breeze for the blue, Kiwi Kiss for the green, and Cranberry Crisp for the red. Then it was a matter of finding just the right size scallop punch to hold him – I ended up going with the Marvy Scalloped Giga.I colored him with Copics – YG03 and B32.And of course, then his little eye looked sad – but a white gel pen fixed that right up. I also used the gel pen for dotting the edges of the scallop.

My dp is from the Angelique collection, which was recently on sale — I *heart *sales! This pattern is called “Angel Kisses” and I am in love with it. I put the “ROAR” on a line, and even though it came colored with black ink (Tuxedo Memento Black, actually) I colored over that with the Copics I mentioned earlier. Then I went digging for flowers. Of course, since I possess so many, it didn’t take long to come up with a match, lol.

So you see, it’s really a simple card. Scout’s Honor! Of course, my dp, stamps, and flowers are all made by Prima 🙂

Chocolate Treats

pad_chocolate-treats_tbuI made this card using Pez-a-Doodle stamps, because I was in the mood for some chocolate yummeis and we didn’t have any! So, I was forced to make my own, lol. I colored each treat with Cipcs, and then painted the pink Layer with Pink Poinsetta Shimmerz Blingz.  Then I did the Strawberries with Shimmerz Royal Red Paint. I applied some Dew Drops in strategic places, and tied a big ole’ bow (that’s how we say it in the South – bwahahahahaha) across the bottom. And since I can’t eat I’ve just been staring at it for hours. I think I need help, lol.

A World of Knowledge

lad_goodteachers_tbuHappy Sunday everyone! I  made this card using School Days by Lizzie Anne Designs, and I am over the moon about the color! They look SO good together! Well, I think they do, lol.

I used the Pinking Circles Nesties to cut out my circle. Those points are sharp – so be careful! I almost lost the battle with them! For the sentiment panel, I used a long rectangle Nestie. I accidentally stamped the sentiment too far to the left, but that left me room to tie the white organdy ribbon. I used Tuxedo Black Memento ink for everything. And of course, a white gel pen for the endless polka dots! Oh, and a Martha Stewart  edge punch for the edges on the dp.

To color the globe, I used Copics. If you are wondering which color the brassy stand is – it isn’t. Well, it’s not one of mine. I laid down a base of C5  and then went over it with Y17.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!

Love Shrooms!

iss_loveshrooms_tbuThis is a digistamp from InStyle Stamps. Adorable, yes?

What I think is so cool about digistamps is that you can pick any size you want them to be, and go from thre. I chose large for this one, because I wanted it to feel like a notecard. I colored the whole thing with Copics, added primas along the grass line, and some ribbon near the bottom. Extremely simple, yet I just love it! You will be seeing more of these in the future from me!

To see all of the digis the InStyle offers, go to their digis page!

Just a Swingin’….

lps_sweetswinging_tbuI finally had time to participate in this week’s Sketch Challenge over at LPS! And I don’t think she could be any cuter! I am totally loving these new digi images that LPS has come out with – fabulous! My card base is Blush Blossom, my next layer is Wild Wasabi. My gorgeous dp is form Basic Grey’s Offbeat colection. The girl on the swing it printed on Naturals Cream cardstock and colored with Copics.

For more deets about the sketch challenge, go to the LPS Blog!

A Unity Get Well

usc_usc25getwell_tbuThis week’s Unity Addicts Challenge was to make a Get Well card. I used the SO and So Loves stamp, and in the spot where you can write on it I wrote Get Well Soon XOXOXOXO. I colored my image with Copics and used Stickles to color the hearts. Do you think a recipient will like it? Thee challenges are so fun to participate in! If you make one and upload it to SCS, the keyword is USC25!!

A Gift for My Munchkin

iss_hairbox_tbuSo, my daughter is forever having hairbands all over the house. I gave her one of those cheapie plastic boxes kids use for pencils, but wasn’t “cool” enough to warrant use. My solution is this cute little box, which used to hold HodgePodge Hardware. She loves it when I get my hair done and sit under one of the hair dryers, so I knew this image would be perfect.

iss_hairboxclose_tbuShe carries it everywhere and loves it! *Yay*! It’s the small victories that matter, lol. My image is from InStyle Stamps and I colored it with Copics. My paper and letter stickers are Basic Grey. And I think the Primas top this box off so well!! This was a really simple project – I think it took me about 30 minutes start to finish. Not bad 🙂

It’s {Little Paper Shop} Monday Again!

lps_birthdayhedgie_tbuThis is the card I made for my little brother’s 25th birthday last wek. He’s getting so old – which means I’m getting older! *Yikes*!!!! I used the Happy Hedgehog new release from {Little Paper Shop} for his card – doesn’t he look like he is having the best time? I colored hime with a combination of Copic and Prismacolor markers. My dp is from the “About a Boy” line by Fancy Pants. I hope he liked his card!

Over at {Little Paper Shop}, there is a sale going on! 10% off until the 25th – so go stock up! Also, be sure to check out the blog to see the newest sketch challenge, and try to play along! Have a wonderful Monday, everyone!

I apologize for the super short post, but it’s a busy day, lol. And I have to get to work on tomorrow’s post, too!

Shopping with Suzie Q.

iss_suzieqshopper_tbuHi everyone! I hope you  are having a fabulous Valentine’s Day. My dear sweet hubby gave me the gift of quiet time alone in my craft time, and I must say it has been awesome! Here is a card I made that I am dying to show y’all!

Some of you may have noticed that over on the left under my “guest designer” spots, a new one showed up recently. That’s right – I’m a Guest Designer for InStyle Stamps for February and March! How fun is that? Their stamps are so cool – I love the retro girls and all of the digistamps – they have a *huge* variety! You should check them out!

This card features Suzie Q, who is definitely one of my fav Retro girls. Why? Because she is out shopping, of course! Who doesn’t love that???? My vard base is Night of Navy (SU), the next layer is Old Olive (SU), and the dp is from my scrap bin – and I cannot remember for the life of me who makes it. So if you know, tell me! I thought it was American Craft, but apparently not, lol. My mat layer for the image is Pretty in Pink (SU) and the stamp itself is on Confetti White (SU).

I colored Suzie Q. with Copics. Her sunglasses and hoop earring are colored with my gold gel pen, for a little bling effect. My “Smile” paperclip came from Target – they had several packs on clearance and I scarfed them all up! I also put Dew Drops across the top, and one on the green bag as a fun little accent. I used pink grosgrain ribbon underneath the panels, and accented them with olive organdy polka dotted ribbon. I just love this card – it totally makes me smile! Now I just have to figure out which shopaholic friend I’m going to send it to!

I hope y’all are as excited as I am about seeing more prokjects with products from InStyle Stamps. They rock!

Awwwww……isn’t he cute???

tgf_everythingpuppy_tbu1I love puppies – who doesn’t love puppies? I love dogs, too, let me clear that up, lol. But something about the puppy face, and the puppy breath, and puppy love…..I just wanna squeeze them! Our dog, Will (who is 2 but thinks he is 7 months old, lol) is always so happy to see us when we walk in the room he is in – even if we’ve only been gone 5 minutes it’s like we’ve returned from years away. So I thought this sweet ittle image from the Home Sweet Home set by The Greeting Farm (formerly Pink Poison) worked really well with this Fancy Pants dp, that already had the sentiment on it!

All I had to do was cut it to the right size, and the rest was as easy as could be. I layered the flowers with the brad on top of the word “you” – it really is under there! I colored my puppy with Copics, and popped him up on dimensionals. I left the card super simple, because I’m in that kind of mood. Happy Friday, and thanks for stopping by!

With Gratitude – and I’m enabling you, too!

lps_topiarythanks_tbuAfter the holidays, I always like my thank you cards to be simple, easy to reproduce, fairly quick to make, but still elegant, and pretty. *Whew* Not demanding, am I?? I’m a huge fan of the tone-on-tone look, especially with creams and whites. So for this card, I used the Topiary set (which happens to be on sale for $6.80!!!) from {Little Paper Shop} to make an absolutely simple yet gorgeous note (in my opinion, of course, lol).

The card base is 4.25″ square, and I ran the front of it through the Cuttlebug using the texture folder. For the image panel, I stamped the topiary and sentiment using Versafine Black ink. I colored the tree using Copic markers. Underneath the sentiment, I paper pierced a line, to emphasize the “gratitude” that the notes carry with them . And at the top left, I added the small Dew Drops, form the Fresh Mowed Grass collection. And that’s it – all done. Maybe 20 minutes? Not bad!

And on an enabling note, head over to {Little Paper Shop}:

We have a busy month planned and it all starts today with a huge SALE!!! We are clearing out some inventory to make room for all the fabulous new sets that will be releasing over the next few months. I have marked everything in the store down 10- 50%!!! These prices will not be offered again so if you were waiting on some sets now is your chance. The sale runs from January 1st – 7th and is only valid while supplies last.

Ruff Day?

ocl_ruffday_tbuOoooooooh, how sweet is he? His name is Pat, and he is from the Pat the Dog set at Our Craft Lounge. I am telling you what – those girls are rockin’ it out with their new stamp line!! This is a pretty simple card – I used my new long rectangle nesties (I got the large scalloped and classic) I got at Lizzie Anne Designs. I stamped Pat on Naturals White using Brown Stazon ink, and colored him with Copics. I cut the clouds out, added a little shading with another Copic marker, and popped them up on dimensionals.

At the top of the card, I added the sentiment along with two tangerine colored brads. My ribbon (which I love – I have such a thing for the polka dot organdy ribbon) is from Jacksonbelle Embellishments. My punch is the SU designer round tab one. I loved pairing this sweet little puppy with the Basic Grey dp – because dogs and trees totally go together, right? LOL! My base is River Rock, and my next layer is Tangerine Tango.

Have a wonderful Sunday!!

Madelynn’s Twinkling Tuesday

pps_mttsc2_tbuHere it is! This week’s sketch by Madelynn – isn’t it creative? When I first saw it I panicked – what was this girl trying to do to me, lol??? Triangles? Criss-cross stuff? Aaaack! But then I calmed down (after some deep breathing and a few chocolate covered cherries) and came up with this. I did flip the skecth so it was a horizontal card rather than a vertical one, which worked bettter with this Simply Cocoa image from Pink Papery Studios. mttsc2-sketch

I colored my image with Copics (I’m soooo happy I finally started my collection of these – have I mentioned that before?) and cut it out. She is mounted on dimensionals on the main panel, which is also mounted on dimensionals. And yes, that is a bottle cap you see there. When was the last time you used one of those? I have tons of them in my stash and figured, why not? So I punched out a circle of the Basic Grey Mellow dp, stuck it on there, and put it on the card!

I did switch up the sentiment a bit, because my main panel was so long, I used a word from the Simply Bath set, because I think there is nothing more relaxing than curling up in a chair with a cup of hot cocoa or hot tea! So, it made sense to me!

Thanks for the sketch, Madelynn – you did a great job, and I can’t wait to see next week’s!