I Got Mail!!! And My Friends Got Birthdays!

Look at what I got in the mail yesterday!!! Isn’t it fabulous?!?!?! My friend Sara’s daughter has a birthday today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIA!!) and for her birthday she got an American Girl doll that looks just like her. Well, I figured, every little doll needs jammies, right? And every little girl deserves to be spoiled rotten, especially on their birthday! So I sent her these for her as yet unnamed new buddy. Cute, aren’t they?

Anyway, she made me this card, and I love it! It is on my fridge, and Ava Grace thinks the flah-flahs (that would be flowers, for those who don’t speak 19 month old) are awesome.

Also today, two dear friends have birthdays. I hope you have a wonderful day, ladies!!!

3 Responses

  1. That’s a GREAT card! I love the position of the fold! 😉 We still get those at our house with a 10-year-old!

  2. Yay! Julia was so tickled you liked her card! I’ll have to show her your blog this afternoon when she gets home! 😀

  3. Awwww…too cute!!! 😀

    OK. So if the smilies are supposed to be us, can I be the one with the horns & pointed tail? Please??? Hmmmm????

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