Granola Cleo

pad_granolacleo_tbuThat’s right – Princess Cleo has gone granola on us! What do you think? LOL 🙂

I had more fun making this card – she is so fun to color! It’s a pretty simple layout  and I used Basic Grey Granola dp as my background. Once I tied the brown twill on, she was all done!

I really love the new images that Pez-a-Doodle has come out with – they are so cute! They totally feed my need for more Copics, though – I want to be able to color more! I hope everyone enjoys their Wednesdays – the work week is halfway over!

6 Responses

  1. OM GOODNESS isn’t she just too cute! i JUST ordered that paper yesterday 🙂 nice job!

  2. This is SO cute, Taylor!!! I love Cleo, too!!!! She’s such a cutie pie and you did a great job with her!

  3. I’m loving the different colors you used on Cleo!

  4. Very very pretty hun!!! Love the colors on this!!!


  5. Cute card! I love seeing her on in different colors.

  6. I love the colors you used on this! This is so beautiful!

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